My Five Basketballs and More

My five basketballs

Hakeem’s  top 5 basketballs he juggles anxiety, low verbal working memory Alogia,  delusional,  finances, Trouble waking up grogginess But Hope is Hard work


Anxiety will always be there. I give an example of an embarrassing moment. I was on the basketball team in Highschool. I played terrific defense. I stole the basketball; however, I froze at that moment and made too quick of a snap decision. I scored on my own basketball net. I was so ashamed and embarrassed. I, however, eventually got over it. In life, we make mistakes.

“Get over it. You are going to embarrass yourself; it is not about you. You are not that important get yourself  “Kobe Bryant”


I will, at times, have false beliefs which are false; I recognize this part of my schizophrenia. I realize I tend to jump from subject to subject or go off-topic with irrelevant information when talking to others. 

“Get over it. You are going to embarrass yourself; it is not about you. You are not that important get yourself “Kobe Bryant


I am a practicing Muslim who struggles to improve my Imaan. I am learning a new language and knowledge I never knew before, Arabic. In Islam, it is an essential component of the faith. Alogia is the disorder symptom that makes it difficult to determine a person with schizophrenia intelligence levels.  This symptom will make learning Arabic a lot more difficult for me. Alogia disrupts my ability to manage my thought processes, leading to an absence of speech or verbal fluency. As a result, I face an uphill battle of overcoming the barrier of disorganized speech or memory. I acknowledge It does exist, but I will overcome it. I am registered in Islam 101 class by my Islamic Professor Mustafa. I am also learning Arabic through a helpful app.

Alogia has nothing to do with a person with schizophrenia  Intelligence levels.

There is a misconception that those with schizophrenia are not Intelligent.  However, this misconception is incorrect.  A famous noble prize winner John Nash is an example of the possibilities. John Nash, with his brilliance, is Known for his work in economics game theory and many others, as well as his development of the mathematical foundations of game theory. Nash was also a pioneer in the study of differential geometry and partial differential equations. He also developed an equilibrium theory known as the Nash Equilibrium (of which the prisoner’s dilemma is a well-known example)


I take Seroquel, which I don’t particularly appreciate taking. I take Seroquel every day to manage my schizophrenia. Seroquel is essential to maintaining my illness. If I were to stop taking Seroquel, I would become unwell, and my illness’s negative symptoms will creep back in. Unfortunately, I am left feeling sleepy, tired, drowsiness when I awake in the morning. I battle with this every day. It is one of my biggest challenges; despite my efforts, every day is a battle.  I, however, found ways to help improve my mornings by taking B Complex, D3k2 drops, Vitamin E, fish oil, stretching, meditating, learning Arabic before I start my day. This usually takes me about 2 hours. The goal is for me to become alert to ready to get the tasks done that I have set out for the day


Hakeem’s twin Kareem was always better at saving money, and Haleem better at spending it. Hakeem is currently on the path of financial freedom, thanks to a best friend of his. Being financially stable and sound is possible for those with schizophrenia. Hakeem continues to learn from past mistakes, and his degree has been a big help. Hakeem is used to reading financial statements. Hakeem understands how credit works, how to start and manage a business, how to invest in the stock market, how to purchase a home, how car payments work.  I hope to eventually help guide others with mental illnesses and disabilities on their financial goals.

Hakeem appreciates learning moments.  In his own words. “A critical and pivotal learning moment was when I took finance 110 and failed. I studied long hours, had a tutor, and still failed with a 40% mark. It devastated me. I cried later that night when I received my grade for my midterm. I have never cried over an exam or midterm before, but I did because I studied and studied and did not get it. The following semester, I was determined and persevered. I got 100% plus the 5% bonus on the midterm. I ended up with an A+. This taught me with determination and perseverance, anything is possible.”



The terms mental health and mental illness are often used interchangeably; however, there is a distinction.

Mental health is how we think, feel and manage stress / maintain relationships and interact with others in the world.

Good mental health helps us with our ability to withstand stress or negativity, or difficulties we face. Good mental health allows those with and without mental illness to achieve their maximum potential and be good corporate citizens. It also reduces the risks of an increased chance of mental illness, especially when confronted with stress or trauma.

Mental illness is, therefore, a diagnosis that must be managed with proper care and treatment.

Think of a person with high blood pressure. It is treatable and manageable. They still must maintain good mental health

Schizo fact #I

Schizophrenia is a Dissociative Identity Disorder formerly

known as Multiple Personality disorder. This is a false belief that those with

schizophrenia have a split personality in which they act as 2 Separate people.

Schizo fact #2

The majority of those with schizophrenia are violent or dangerous. 

This is a false perception portrayed in movies and entertainment. In real life, those with schizophrenia, especially if they have treatments and therapies, are more likely to be Victims or harm themselves than hurt others.

Those with the illness that do commit acts of violence often have past trauma or substance abuse. The illness itself does not make a person aggressive.

Schizofact # 3

A terrible misconception parenting is a cause for the illness

Mothers typically get the blame, but the reality is many possibilities can cause schizophrenia. The possibilities are genetics trauma and drug abuse.

Therefore, the mistakes made as a parent won’t give your child this condition. My symptoms of the disease did not show up until age 20

Schizo fact 4

If a parent has schizophrenia, you will not get it too. The chances of schizophrenia being inherited are around 10%. There is an increased chance if a family member has it.

Schizo fact #5

Those with schizophrenia are brilliant

The illness has its challenges; however, those with schizophrenia can succeed academically when and where possible with the right accommodations and assistance.

Schizo fact #6

People with schizophrenia do not belong in a mental hospital.

In the past, those with schizophrenia were placed in mental Asylums or even prison. Due to advancements and experts’ experiences, they now know that long-term care facilities, asylums, and prisons are inhumane and not a treatable solution. The level of care required depends on the severity of the symptoms.

Schizo fact #7

If you have schizophrenia, you can hold down your job. 

Hakeem has come into contact with many with the illness has jobs. The key is the right treatment and a position that fits their skills and abilities. Hakeem himself worked at one position for five years straight, including while completing a degree.

Schizo facts #8

Schizophrenia does not make the Person lazy. The illness is challenging; however, managing daily needs such as bathing, dressing, etc., is difficult. Therefore, require help and assistance. 

Schizo fact # 9

A Big psychotic break does not cause schizophrenia.

A big mental event can lead to psychosis; however, Symptoms appear over a period of time, including acting out/delusions, and hallucinations may occur.

Schizo fact #10 “Hope is Hard Work.”

You can never recover from it. Schizophrenia can be hard to treat, but it’s not impossible. Antipsychotic medications help stabilize you and lower the risk of future symptoms. Talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are also helpful tools to show you how to handle stress better and live well.

With the right medicine and therapy, about 25% of people with this disease will manage it better completely. Another 50% will see some improvement in their symptoms. Many people with the condition can live full, productive lives.